Sunday 8 June 2014

Foundation Finished!

It was a bit of an intense experience at 7.30 in the morning, to watch the arm of the rather alien looking concrete machine swing over the roof of my house…

After days of rain, rain and more rain, when we needed rain to prevent the concrete from drying too quickly, we had burning sun, sun and more sun.

I spent the last hours of the afternoon, and most of the evening, spraying water onto it….

But it worked, and it looks beautiful!

Veere thought so, too, and just had to explore this strange new garden ornament.

Have a wonderful weekend, all of you who read this!


  1. Oh my, they didn't miss your roof by much *eeeek*
    But I'm thrilled the foundation's looking SO good! Can't wait to see the walls go up...

    1. It does look scary, doesn't it - I was a bit worried that it would end up smashing a hole in the roof, or worse, the neighbours roof...

  2. Watching the progress! And loved seeing Veere exploring it :)

  3. Oh look at Veere investigating everything! So funny! That's great the house is really starting now ... Look forward to seeing it when it's finished! (If you post, that is, sorry I'm making assumptions here!)
